How does acupuncture work?

The short and honest answer is "we don't really know." But very thin needles inserted or placed on specific points of the body seem to have effects on the nervous system, stimulate the tissue and fluids around the site, and sometimes even distal areas, changing the biochemistry to enhance the blood and/or fluid circulation, block pain signals and/or produce a feeling of well-being. These changes can have analgesic effects, and/or help tissue regeneration, contributing to bringing more symbiosis in the body.

Some scientific studies have suggested that acupuncture seems to increase synthesis of nitric oxide at the acupuncture points and along the corresponding meridian(s), which promotes the fluid circulation in the area. Also other studies suggest that acupuncture, especially electro-acupuncture helps the body release endogenous opioids, such as endorphins and enkephalins, which, generally speaking, are thought to have pain-killing effects and also can produce a euphoric feeling.

If you are interested in acupuncture and how it works, BBC has a fairly accurate 1-hour documentary, so check it out:

The Science of Acupuncture



Does acupuncture hurt?

Because acupuncture needles are very thin and small, typically a patient does not feel "pain", though sometimes they might feel like something has pricked their skin. Generally speaking, the needle insertion is painless. Also, the needling can cause a sensation of dull achiness, heaviness, warmth, opening  or releasing, which are all within the range of normal sensations in response to the needles. At times, some of the acupuncture points might be extremely sensitive and the patinet might feel stronger sensation, but it can be always communicated and the needle(s) will be taken out or adjusted to releave any discomfort. 

I can also do treatments without needle insertion applying other modalities, such as cupping, moxibustion, guasha, acu-stem, disks, magnets, bodywork, and/or using Teishin (precious metal tools that can be used on the acupuncture points, but without insertion).




How many sessions does it take to feel the improvement?

It completely depends on the condition you are coming in for, your general health, and the goal and expectations that you have for the acupuncture treatment. But generally speaking, the chronicity of the condition indicates a longer treatment course, which means the longer you have had the condition, the longer it would take to treat and change the condition. If you are looking for a magic pill type of solution, acupuncture might not be the right therapy for you.

For any musculoskeletal pain that is acute to subacute stage, the treatment would usually take anywhere between 1 to 10 sessions (usually once a week, but occasionally twice a week treatment recommended for the first couple of weeks, if possible) depending on your diet, lifestyle, exercise, and most importantly, whether you can avoid the activities that are causing the pain while the pain sustains.

For other conditions such as hormonal imbalance, allergies, skin diseases etc. tend to take months to years of diligent treatments and lifestyle adjustments, although sometimes the improvement happens much quicker. 



I have heard of NAET treatments for seasonal and food allergies. How does it work?

NAET treatments can help those issues and much more, sometimes more effectively than other therapies. However, it can be a somewhat long-term commitment.

Typically, all patients who are interested in NAET are recommended to go through the treatments for the "Basic 15 Substances" before getting treated for any specific allergens such as wheat, mold, cats, pollen, peanuts etc. The Basic 15 Substances, which include some vitamins and minerals etc., are the building blocks of a human body. By getting treated for these substances first, your body gets healthier and stronger, being able to digest, absorb, metabolize and utilize the basic nutrients that are vital to most basic bodily functions, and therefore, it becomes able to assimilate the treatments for other allergens that are more complicated. If you skip the Basic 15 Substances treatments, and get treated for a specific allergen, the treatment might work momentarily, but it often doesn't last for a long time.

If done correctly, NAET treatments have a life-long effects, releasing many people from severe allergic reactions to common substances. Also, NAET can be done for interpersonal "allergies", and psycho-emotional matters such as 'self-esteem', 'worry', 'stress', 'grief' etc., easing the person's emotional (over)reactions to such mental states.

For more information about NAET, please schedule a 20-minute free consultation and/or check out the NAET website.



I'm busy, but interested in formulas. What forms of Chinese herbal remedies are available?

Herbal formulas can be prescribed in a pill, tablet, capsule form as in a premade formula in a bottle. It is convenient for traveling, but not as effective as customized granule or bulk decoction form.

The granule form can be premade or custom-made for each patient's condition, and the custom-made granule formula is usually more effective than a premade formula. The patient dissolves the granule in a cup of hot water to take. The bulk formula is considered the most effective by many practitioners and true to the traditional method of taking an herbal formula. The formula is created for each patient's condition, and the patient cooks raw herb ingredients in a pot for about 45 minutes (or two 25 minutes cooking) to make a decoction, and keep it in the refrigerator to take it for the next 2-4 days. For most patients, I suggest a granule or premade bottle form, due to the convenience. Also, I sometimes prescribe topical herbal remedies for injuries, skin issues, and pain conditions to augment the internal remedy and acupuncture treatment.

Initially, the taste and smell might feel a little strong (mostly very earthy), but people usually get used to it and come to like it. You do need to take it diligently on a daily basis to get the proper effects of herbal remedies. There is no way around it.

Here is an informational link to a YouTube video that shows how to make an herbal decoction:

Decocting Chinese Herbs



Can I see some demonstrations on the modalities you might use in a treatment?

Please check out the Resources page to see some YouTube videos for some of the modalities that I frequently use in a treatment. If you have any concerns, please feel free to discuss during the intake, or anytime before or during the treatment. I also explain what I would be doing before starting a treatment if I am going to use new methods that you have never been exposed to.



What is the age range for shonishin (pediatric) treatment and how long does it take?

Any age between new born to about ten years old is most appropriate for a Shonishin treatment, but older children can also be benefitted by Shonishin techniques as well, especially if he or she is afraid of needles. The treatment time increases as the child's age gets older. For an infant, the actual treatment time would be less than a minute. However, babies and especially toddlers tend to take much longer to treat since I have to spend most time for negotiating with them while they are wiggling, crying, clinging onto parent's chest, instead of treating them. Generally, it takes about 30 minutes to complete a treatment for a young child after the initial visit which takes about 60 minutes.



Do you take insurance?

Currently, I am on the provider networks of Regence BCBS, Regence Group Administrators, Providence, PacificSource Health Plan, and MODA at the Gotham Wellness Center location. Additionally, I take OHP CareOregon at the Center for Natural Medicine. Currently, I am not credentialed with any MediCare plans. If you have an out-of-network provider coverage, I'd be happy to bill the insurance company, or produce a receipt so that you can send the bill to your insurance company. I also take patients with a PIP coverage from a motor vehicle accident as well.